Rejoicer is a producer who's become known for his unique funk-heavy splices, enriching the Tel-Aviv beat movement. His second full-length album Spiritual Sleaze was released a couple months back, and he's just dropped a suitably sleazy live performance of album track 'Third Eye Jungle Run'. The video is by Ben Kirschenbaum and Daniel Vogman, recorded by Asaf Shay, and mixed by Rejoicer himself. It begin's with a bird's eye shot of Rejoicer and his synth; his hands craftily shuffling around luxuriant jazz chords. For a while it cuts between Rejoicer and the other synth player Nomok who fiddles with fluttery sonics that resemble a humming bird's flight. When the rumble of the funk synth bass comes in, the video cuts to a landscape view of the band - comprised of two synths and drums locked in a tight, summery groove. The video moves between the bird's eye view of the musicians and back to the full view, revealing the three's magical trancey chemistry, born from the fantastic instrumental 'Third Eye Jungle Run'. -Ellie Rose-Davies
